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Photos by: @sofiaparamio

SPANISH EDITOR AND COLLABORATOR OF @holaliving_es AND PREVIOUSLY WORKED FOR  @voguespain and @harpersbazaares.


NR Beauty touched base with Sofia Paramio, vía Zoom, to talk about how the fashion ecosystem will remodel in the new reality. Plus she shared with us some tips on looking and dressing our best during home quarantine.

NR - How has your work routine changed during lockdown?

SP- It has changed a lot, not only in the sense of being at home and holding team meetings vía video calls, but also in the way we communicate with our clients. We have a public relations agency, and we have had to reform strategies that have been cooking for months, completely, to adapt to the new times. We currently go through a constant update of our work, as a result of the measures that the country is taking to control the virus. However, we know that eventually this too shall pass and we will return to our normal work environment (hopefully soon).

NR- Mom and businesswoman at home, how are you dealing with both roles?

SP- Difficult to reconcile, especially with such young children, but I try to set a work schedule (even if it is minimal) and I team up with my husband. So we can both work, take care of her and do everything in an organized way. I think that I will miss being with my daughter 24/7 when I have to go back to the office. That’s the positive side to all of this: being able to enjoy extra time with her.

NR- How do you stay productive at home?

SP- I think it’s essential to set a routine or a schedule and try to comply with it as much as possible. It clears my mind to do it, I order my ideas and make a list of the things I have to finish by the end of the day. That’s the best way to keep your productivity up during lockdown. 

NR- Have you changed the way you dress during home quarantine?

SP- Yes, now I only use the most comfortable pieces from my wardrobe.

NR- What’s your go-to quarantine outift? 

SP- I wear sports clothes a lot. It's comfortable for me to be at home and I don't look over dressed, which is great because I'm not going out. Joggers and a tight t-shirt are what I most often wear.

NR - The million dollar question: are you buying clothes right now? We feel a bit guilty if we do and if we don't, too, as many of our favorite fashion brands and designers will have to close their doors if we don't support them through these tough months. What should we do?

SP- I do believe purchasing behaviour has to change. For the past several years the fashion industry has been based on compulsive buying, which isn’t that great for our bank accounts, nor for the planet’s well-being. That kind of reckless shopping just results in the accumulation of unnecessary clothes, that you’ll probably only wear once or possibly never. Perhaps these weeks of confinement will help us reflect on how we’re choosing the clothes we buy, ask yourself: what do I really need? Is it worthwhile? Will I be able to wear this next year too? or the next? Is it truly my style or am I just following a trend? I 100% believe that we must continue to support fashion brands, we cannot stop doing so, but we must consciously choose the garments we buy.

NR - What changes do you see in the (near) future within the fashion industry?

SP- I believe that consumers are saturated with information, so they end up wanting everything yet nothing at the same time, depending on the moment in which ads catch them. I don’t know how exactly, but I do believe this overload of information will change. Social Networks have been the main communication chain between buyers and sellers, I think this will start to diminish and brands will begin to select their audience more specifically and will reach them through other strategies. 

NR - Will the influencer marketing industry change? 

SP- I think that influencer marketing has been a big hit in the fashion ecosystem, however, it lacks professionalism. I believe it’s time the industry started to make some regulations on how brands can select and corporate with these digital stars. Brands have to choose those influencers that truly represent their values, style, image, etc and not just launch themselves into signing contracts with any influencer based on recognition and following numbers. Sometimes numbers are of no use if the person you hire doesn’t sell the correct image for the brand. Social networks and the influencer business won’t disappear, but the basis of this industry has to be upgraded to ensure professional and effective agreements between brands and influencers.

NR - What will NEVER go out of style?

SP- The classics. I am investing more and more in classic garments with high quality. Those pieces that I know will have a long journey in my wardrobe.

NR - Best quarantine lesson?

SP-  Enjoy and appreciate the time you have with loved ones to the fullest!